Summer driving & safety tips.
West Virginia is Wild & Wonderful…so be safe on her roads!
As the summer heat kicks in, more and more people hit the roads to embark on fun and exciting trips. However, summer also brings about an unfortunate spike in car wrecks. Here are a few tips to ensure your travels this season are safe and sound.
1. Buckle up, always!
Wearing your seatbelt should be second nature by now. But in case you forget, remember that buckling up is the simplest yet most effective way to protect yourself and your passengers from injury.
2. Get some rest before you hit the road.
It's always important to be well-rested before a long drive. Fatigue and sleep-deprivation are among the leading causes of car crashes. So, if you feel too tired to drive, pull over and rest for a while before getting back on the road.
3. Keep your distance.
Don't tailgate the vehicle in front of you. Give yourself enough space to react in case of an emergency. Keeping a safe following distance will also reduce the likelihood of a rear-end collision.
4. Don't drive under the influence.
This goes without saying, but alcohol and drugs impair your judgement and slow down your reflexes. It's always best to stay sober behind the wheel, no matter how tempted you may be.
5. Avoid distracted driving.
Whether it's texting, scrolling through social media, or eating behind the wheel, distracted driving is dangerous and illegal. Keep your focus on the road and put your phone away while driving.
With these tips in mind, you're well on your way to a safe and enjoyable summer road trip. Remember, arriving safely at your destination is always the priority! In the event that you find yourself involved in a motor vehicle crash, call our office to learn your options.